Alles Leben miteinander verbunden: Der niederländische telepathische Tierkommunikator Ronald van de Peppel (Niederländisch)   
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Good friends, welcome to another episode of Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants.
Today we feature Mr. Ronald van de Peppel, a telepathic animal communicator and psychic-energy healer residing in Antwerp, Belgium.

Born in Utrecht, the Netherlands, Mr. van de Peppel has always had a special link with nature and animals.
After travelling around the world, he decided to follow a natural way of life and seek a higher level of consciousness in the mid-1970s.

One avenue he used to reach his goal was studying the art of aura reading at the Institute for Intuitive Development in Utrecht.

Besides being a telepathic animal communicator, Mr. van de Peppel is also a painter, the author of two books: 『Pearls in the Wind』 and 『Smile in Chaos』 and a leader of workshops on aura reading, dream interpretation and other spiritual topics.

Mr. Peppel (M): I always hear and feel with every animal and every plant, with every apple and every blade of grass,and every horse in the meadow, I feel like we are all connected.

HOST: His amazing bond with our animal friends is achieved telepathically.

Mr. Peppel (M):Telepathic communication with animals is a real interaction.
It is a meeting between two living beings. So, not only do you let animals clarify what he or she has on his or her Boind, but you also try to clarify why people live the way they do.

HOST: Images and voices are the means by which Ronald understands animals’ messages.

Books and CDs by Ronald van de Peppel are availalbe at

Links zu diesem Thema
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