Der brasilianische Kongressabgeordnete Feliciano Filho: Fürsprecher der Tiere (Portugiesisch)   
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Feliciano(m): An animal guardian is an animal guardian from birth till the end.
It is something that is born within the person. I was one since a child. I was always involved with this.

HOST : Kind-hearted viewers, welcome to Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants. Today’s show features the esteemed Congressman Feliciano Filho a committed vegetarian and a passionate animal advocate.

Feliciano Filho serves as State Deputy for the state of São Paulo, Brazil. His political career has been dedicated to protecting animals and enhancing their welfare by sponsoring legislation on their behalf and serving as a strong voice for their issues.

He is also the founder of the Animal Protection Union, a non-profit animal welfare organization, which is based in the city of Campinas, São Paulo.

The Animal Protection Union seeks to inform the public why we should treat animals with compassion.
The Union also takes animals from Zoonosis Control Centers, which are publicly run animal shelters located in cities across Brazil and re-homes them in the local community.

The compassionate congressman began tending to and rescuing animals as a small child and was always determined to do something to help animals on a larger scale.

The congressman now shares with us how his little canine companion Aila led him to discover his life’s work on the fateful day of April 17, 2001.

For more details on Feliciano Filho,
please visit

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