Lieder des Meeres: das Ozeanien-Projekt mit Trish und Wally Franklin   
Teil 1 ( 35 MB )
Teil 2 ( 41 MB )

Cherished viewers, welcome to Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants. Today we will travel to Australia.
Famous as the 『Whale Watch Capital of the World,』 Hervey Bay, located in the state of Queensland, on Australia’s east coast, is a natural haven for the large marine mammals.

The sociable whales interact with casual whale watchers, conservationists and scientists in a friendly and playful manner.

Wally (M): Mysterious they are these creatures of the deep, waving their wing like pectoral fins as if calling to me.

Too far, too far is the path you beat, no time, no time to weep, no time to be.
Insistent they are these sirens of deep oceans, singing their soulful songs, enchanters of emotions of love, of joy, of play, of dance.

HOST: Trish and Wally Franklin are the founders of the Australian non-profit organization The Oceania Project and the couple have devoted themselves wholeheartedly to the conservation and protection of whales, dolphins and the oceans. Let us now meet them to learn more about their endeavors.

For more Information on The Oceania Project,
please visit
Whale Song CDs and Whale DVDs by the Oceania Project are available at

Links zu diesem Thema
Wächter der Meere: Die großartigen Wale
Projekt Jonah, Schützer der Meeressäuger
"Die südlichen Glattwale Argentiniens" – Ein Dokumentarfilm (Spanisch)
Ocean Defenders Alliance: Die Gewässer und ihre Bewohner schützen
In Einklang mit Delfinen: Interview mit dem chilenischen Delfin-Therapeut Agustin Gonzalez (Chilenisches Spanisch)
Stoppt die Grausamkeit gegenüber Tieren Stoppt den Wahlfang, jetzt!
Waljagd: die grausame Auslöschung unserer sanften Ozeanriesen

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