Traditionelle musikalische Schätze Afghanistans • Geschätzter Künstler Shamsuddin Masroor (Dari)   
Teil 1 ( 54 MB )
Teil 2 ( 55 MB )

Greetings beloved viewers. Words cannot fully describe the ancient beauty and sounds of Afghan traditional music. Some of the main instruments are the dutar,rubab, and tabla.

On today’s program, we have the honor to speak with renowned Afghan musician and specialist of the dutar and rubab, Mr. Shamsuddin Masroor.

He first shares with us about the ancient stringed instrument called dutar.

Mr. Masroor:Dutar has a long history in our country and it’s one of the native musical instruments from Herat, Afghanistan.No other country nor any other province besides Herat in Afghanistan is home to the dutar.

HOST: The well-respected Herati dutar player, Ostad Karim Herwari, introduced the dutar outside of Herat. He was the director of the Aga Khan Music Initiative for Central Asia. In Dari, 『du』 means 『two』 with 『tar』 meaning 『strings.』

Links zu diesem Thema
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