Veganer Orangenkuchen mit geschlagener Crème-Glasur   
Teil 1
Teil 2

(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
Orange Vegan Cake
2¾ cups (330 grams) cake flour
½ teaspoon baking soda
2 teaspoons baking powder
½ teaspoon salt
1 cup (200 grams) vegetable shortening
2 cups (360 grams) organic cane sugar
3 ounces (90 milliliters) soymilk
Grated zest of 1 orange

6 ounces (180 grams) liquid flax
3 tablespoons (50 grams) pumpkin purée
½ teaspoon xanthan gum (or vegetable gum)
in 1 ounce (30 milliliters) water

Directions (to make a kind of egg-substitute):
The idea is to make somekind of liquid by heating flaxseed and water.
  1. preheat a pan
  2. pour 20 ounces of water into the pan, add 100 grams of flaxseed
  3. stir a little bit, and let sit for 4-5 minutes until boils
  4. wait a litle bit, then strain the liquid into a cup, don’t wait too long since the liquid will solidify
  5. the result is slimy liquid imitating egg-whites, so it will bind the ingredients
  6. for our cake measure 6 ounces (180 grams), and the remains can be stored in freezer for many weeks for later use
  7. let it cool before combining with the flour

Directions (to make another kind of egg-substitute):
Mix the xanthan gum and hot water fast & vigorously until becomes paste.

Directions (to make the cake):

  1. pour shortening (Smart Balance) and sugar into mixing bowl,
  2. switch on mixer in slow speed, when they kind of mixed together, the mixer can be turned faster until it becomes cream, then turn it off, mixing process takes 2-3 minutes
  3. add the first kind of egg-substitute, the pumkin puree and the second kind of egg-substitute
  4. turn on the mixer from slower to faster speed until all of them mixed perfectly, then turn it off, the result is a smooth mixture as basic for the cake
  5. combine salt, baking soda and baking powder with the flour, mix a little bit then pour into the mixing bowl
  6. turn the mixer slowly, pour the soymilk into the bowl, add the orange zest, turn faster for a while until mixed perfectly, then turn it off, mixing process takes 4-5 minutes
  7. prepare 2 thick baking pans, put a little bit of oil on the surface, rub evenly, then spread a little bit of flour on them
  8. pour the batter evenly into the baking pans
  9. put both pans into preheated 350 degrees F oven
  10. bake for 30-35 minutes depending on the thickness of the batter in the pans

Links zu diesem Thema
Törtchen backen mit Kindern! Kokosnuss-, Biskuit- und Schokoladengeschmack
Die cremige Süße von saurem Kirsch-Pyramidenkuchen
Angel Food’s spektakuläres gebackenes Alaska und veganes Baiser von Alice Leonard (Englisch)
Veganer Schokoladenkuchen mit köstlicher Beeren-Creme-Garnierung (Spanisch)
Kamerunisches Bekombofone (Gerösteter Mais- und Erdnusskuchen) (Douala Sprache)
Vegane Bäckerei der Gaumenfreuden: Schmackhafte Süßigkeiten und Häppchen
Ein Nachmittag in Schweden: Frischer Kaffee und Kaffeekuchen (Schwedisch)
Bachen mit Koch & Autor Miyoko Schinner: Veganer dreilagiger Schokoladen-Ganache-Kuchen

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