Save Animals From Exploitation (SAFE): Neuseelands Kampagne "Liebe die Schweine"   
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The images in the following program are highly sensitive and may be as disturbing to viewers as they were to us. However, we have to show the truth about animal cruelty.

Caring, concerned viewers, welcome to Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants. Today on the Stop Animal Cruelty series we will meet a member of the New Zealand-based animal protection group Save Animals From Exploitation or SAFE.

As swine flu cases rapidly spread worldwide, the media have been focusing on the cause of the pandemic. The source is no mystery; the problem stems from the factory farming of pigs, chickens and other animals.
Groups and individuals around the globe are working non-stop to protect the lives of the gentle beings trapped in these cruel, intensive agricultural systems.

In New Zealand, for example, SAFE is conducting the LovePigs Campaign to raise awareness about the extremely inhumane living conditions of pigs on factory farms, and to ask the public to stop buying pig-based products.Now let’s hear from SAFE’s Campaign Director Hans Kriek, who will explain why we should care about the lives of these beautiful beings.

Hans Kriek (M): Yes, I think us, as human beings, we connect with each other by looking each other in the eye. And when you actually look at an animal, like a pig, in the eye, you can see that there is a sentient being there.

You can see that there is a soul in there. You can see that there is a thinking creature there that is suffering.
A lot of people that have dogs, for instance, when you look at your dog in the eye, people know that there is a soul. .

They know that there is an animal in there that has thoughts, that’s happy, that’s sad; we can read emotions in our own dog, and we can’t do that with factory farmed animals because we don’t get to see them, because the farmers keep them well clear from us behind their closed doors.

For more information on Save Animals From Exploitation (SAFE), please visit

Links zu diesem Thema
Schweinegrippe: Tödliche Tierzuchtbetriebe gleich tödliches Virus
Folge deinem Gewissen: Schweine in der Hölle
Viva!s Dokumentation – Zum Tode verurteilt

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