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Die ästhetische Seite der Gesichter: Der prominente, im Irak geborene Portraitkünstler Haydar Al-Yasiry (Arabisch)   

Happy viewers,welcome to Enlightening Entertainment on Supreme Master Television. Today’s program features distinguished Iraqi-born portrait artist Mr. Haydar Al-Yasiry.

Mr. Haydar Al-Yasiry was trained as an artist in the beautiful country of Iraq. He further advanced his career as a portrait painter and art designer for several newspapers and journals. More recently, he has been the artistic manager of the『Immigrant Magazine.』 He has put on several exhibitions and wrote a book on caricature portrait, which is being published.

Mr. Al-Yasiry is also skilled in theater decoration, teaching,photography,newspaper design, as well as restoration and maintenance of archeological artworks. Now residing in the United States,he is a member of Iraqi Society of Artists, Arabic Caricaturists – Syria, Union of Iraqi Artists, Portrait Society of America,American Society of American African Artists – Michigan,Society of Hispanic Americans – Detroit,and the Qatar Group for Fine Art. He is also the co-founder of Iraqi Association of Iraqi Artists in Michigan and the Albab Theatrical Group of Detroit.

The experiences early in Mr. Al-Yasiry’s life shaped his unique creative style. His caricature portraits are marked by insightful depictions of the character through meticulous details and well-coordinated colors. Recently, Supreme Master Television had the pleasure of meeting the talented Mr. Haydar Al-Yasiry.Mr. Al-Yasiry’s vivid paintings are quite impressive; he shares with us how his artistic interest started.

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