Erleuchtende Unterhaltung
Die beliebte Tanzgruppe Wishah aus Palästina (Arabisch)   

The Wishah Popular Dance Troupe was founded in 2003 by a group of young spirited volunteers who wish to devote time and youth to arts, peace and essence of culture. Holding the belief that dance is a form of spiritual and cultural education,the group seeks to preserve and enrich the cultural legacy
as well as the beauty of life in Palestine.
In the past six years,the troupe has toured 45 times in other parts of the world performing
for over 30,000 audience members.  

Wishah Team:
The Wishah team is interested in public and folklore dancing,and mixes between dancing and acting, or between drama and theatre. It's a new team that performed many artistic shows in many Arab and European countries,this new play or this new show contains 40 dancer, dancing girl,actor and actress and
deals with the Palestinian National Unity theme.

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