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Hauptmedien-Berichterstattung über weltweite Aktionen für eine CO2-arme Kost   

Greetings thoughtful viewers. As the season of spring approaches on March 20, it is a great time for us to re-examine our lifestyles, and commit to making necessary changes for the betterment of the Earth. Often giving us a starting point to reconsider the choices we make is the news media.

Today’s selection of media reports shows us how our individual diet is linked to global environmental degradation, and what some people are doing about it.

The recent analysis by Dr. Robert Goodland, former World Bank Group lead environmental advisor, and Jeff Anhang, research officer and environmental specialist for the World Bank Group, finds that livestock and their byproducts account for at least half of all human-made greenhouse gases. Their discovery is detailed in the article, “Livestock and Climate Change,” published in the November/December 2009 issue of World Watch Magazine, a periodical magazine of the renowned environmental research group, the Worldwatch Institute.


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