Robab und Dotar: bezaubernde Volksinstrumente aus Afghanistan (Dari)   

Gulnar Afghan folk song
Vocals by Shamsuddin Masroor Accompaniment by Ustad Fazl Ahmad
and Shaker Ahmad (In Dari)

Gulnar, Gulnar, O beloved Gulnar
Your free flowing hair Gulnar, Gulnar,

O beloved Gulnar Your free flowing hair
with a nice hair clip You have set me
on a whirlwind with a nice hair clip
You have set me on a whirlwind

Greetings music-loving viewers! Whether to celebrate the joys of life and love, or express spiritual longing, the music of Afghanistan has a long and rich history. Words cannot fully describe the ancient beauty and sounds of Afghan traditional music.

Mr. Sadozai (m):
Music tradition has always played a big role in Afghanistan.
It brought together people from different ethnic backgrounds and bridged the gap between them.

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