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Greetings caring viewers.
Welcome to today’s program featuring two Shining World Compassion Award recipients, PetCo PLAce and its president Dr. Myrna Hant (NFT: PhD)  from the United States,and Ms. Anuradha KoiraLA from Nepal.

First, let’s go to Los Angeles County in California, USA to visit the unique homeless shelter,PetCo PLAce,which not only helps homeless people, but also provides their animal companions with a warm pLAce to stay during the transition period. PetCo PLAce was established by a non-profit organization called People Assisting The Homeless (PATH) in 2008. PATH’s president Dr. Myrna Hant has been helping the homeless for years.

Dr. Hant(f):
There are probably 70,000 to 80,000 homeless in Los Angeles County. And 25 years ago PATH was created by CLAire West Orr as she observed the problems were building and building,and of course she had hoped that by now we would be out of business,but we are not. It is growing and growing. So PATH’s mission basically is a hand-up not a hand-out. It’s to help people to get started with a new life.

The services provided by People Assisting The Homeless have been especially needed during the recent economic setback. When homeless people seek help there,they not only get a shelter,but also receive job referrals,or vocational training if needed.

Dr. Hant(f):
We post jobs for them,we assist them with computer search,we assist them with job skills,we help them to get high school diplomas if they need it.

Dr. Hant(f):
I help the homeless to prepare for job interviews and we have many, many who get very good jobs
afterwards and get on their way,get their own apartments or are able to establish a very fine life for themselves.

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