„Ernährungsumstellung ist unsere größte Chance” - Edward McMillan-Scott, Vize-Präsident des Europäischen Parlaments   

『A change of diet is our biggest chance to stop global warming – and save our health
and money.』 These are the words of His Excellency Edward McMillan-Scott, Vice-President and senior Member of the European Parliament.

The statement appeared in an article he wrote for the May 2010 『Green Week』 edition of
『Parliament Magazine,』a widely read political magazine covering the efforts of the European Union. The British statesman Mr. McMillan-Scott wrote that in the face of costly environmental degradation
and biodiversity loss, a change of diet 『would also benefit millions of [food] producers
in Europe’s uplands and the world’s most difficult terrains.』He continued, 『Now I can add the economics and biodiversity arguments. It takes 16 times more energy and resources to produce animal protein than the vegetable equivalent; livestock grazing is a major cause of desertification and our oceans are suffering from over-fishing…』
Along with human rights and democracy, encouraging everyone in the world to adopt a more plant-based diet is one of Mr. McMillan-Scott’s foremost ongoing campaigns.

Vice President McMillan-Scott (M):
We have a problem with greenhouse gasses. One of the most significant sources
of greenhouse gasses is animal production and meat production, and the dairy industry,
and the fact that so much soy is now been grown as animal fodder.

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