„Der Weber von Ñanduti” – Vorstellung der Pracht der paraguayischen Zarzuela (Spanisch)   

Paraguay has a rich, musical history marked by distinctive genres such as Guarania,
Paraguayan polka, popular songs, and zarzuela. The zarzuela is a lively musical genre
that blends classical opera with drama, dialogue, folk songs and folk dances. With inspiration from Spain’s zarzuela, the renowned Paraguayan composer, Juan Carlos Moreno González, created
the Paraguayan zarzuela by infusing it with the colorful traditions of his homeland.
His landmark achievement in this art form was the magnificent musical entitled,
『The Weaver of Ñanduti.』

It is the first Paraguayan zarzuela – and it was born from the idea of two great musicians, a musician and scholar of Paraguay, Juan Carlos Moreno Gonzalez and Frutos Panes. They had the idea to make the play. It's like an operetta, but a traditional one with all the customs from Paraguay.

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