Zu Ehren Gottes: Pakistans „Billa Qalandri Dhooli Jut”-Ensemble (Urdu)   

SONG CAPTION Pakistani folk song Performed by Billa Qalandri Dhooli Jut
(in Urdu)
My crazy heart,
there are some clothes of white
Where do I find you,
you have friendship with everyone Where do I find you,
you have friendship with everyone
My crazy heart,
I will forget all pains
If you promise to come, I would come out
of the grave If you promise to come,
I would come out of the grave

Greetings poetic viewers, and welcome to today’s episode of Enlightening Entertainment
featuring the well-respected Sufi master and musician from Pakistan,Ilyas Billa Qalandri,and his music ensemble, Billa Qalandri Dhooli Jut. As a native Pakistani from the region
of Gujranwala,Billa Qalandri belongs to the Qalandri school of Sufism in search of the ultimate truth.
Recognized for his high level of spiritual attainment, Billa Qalandri earned himself the honorable title of Qalandri.

(In Urdu) Billa(m):
My name is Ilyas,aka Billa Qalandri. My parents named me Ilyas. And the public gave me the name Billa Qalandari. All these ornaments of mine are given by Shahanshah Qalandar. This is a Qalandari costume.

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