Project Hope bringt Licht ins Leben palästinensischer Kinder (Arabisch)   

In Nablus, Palestine,Project Hope is devoted to bettering the lives of disadvantaged Palestinian
young adults and children. Through education and recreation, Project Hope gives them opportunities to grow and dream in a safe environment. Mr. Abdulhakim Sabbah is the director of Project Hope.

Hakim (m):
Project Hope,as you can see from the name,is a a an initiative that tries to give hope to,to children in this area. Nablus district has about 330,000 inhabitants as a population.
We provide activities,different kind of activities for the kids. We work in 40 different
locations in the city,the four refugee camps,the old city,the city of Nablus,and some villages as well. And we touch the lives of between 700 and 1,000 beneficiaries
of our activities a month.

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