Selbstlose Musterbeispiele aus Aulac (Vietnam) – die Herren Ma Nghĩa, Lương Văn Thắng, Vi Văn Nhất und Lương Văn Tình (Aulacesisch)   

In an article by Trình Thu Trâm about Phú Yên province,the writer described the now-prosperous region:
『This season,standing on top of the Rice Field Hill looking down,the view of the mountainous landscape of Phú Mỡ Village is of a vibrant green. The emerald hue of majestic mountains,the verdant color of sugarcane and corn fields,and the green of wet rice fields,still young and fresh,creates a beautiful scene.  
In the way grains are made to keep the villagers well-fed,everybody is grateful to village elder Ma Nghĩa. He is affectionately called, ‘The Elder Who Enriches the Village.’』

Mr. Ma Nghĩa (m):
I think love is above all. Seeing that other people are more deprived and miserable than I am,
I think I should help them with what I can.

A humble rice farmer in Phú Yên province,Mr. Ma Nghĩa stays up nights contemplating on how to better the lives of his fellow citizens. He recognized that in his small community,there were those who were enduring hunger and poverty. Mr. Ma thought of a creative,yet simple solution.  

Mr. Ma Nghĩa (m):  
If everyone always shares with one another,not only the country but also the whole world
will have a better life living together. I am only a simple inhabitant of this Earth.
I am not a leader to direct this effort,but I have thought a lot about this.

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