"Sur" ist Allah: hingebungsvolle pakistanische Sufi-Musik von Riffat Sultana – Teil 1 von 2 (Urdu)    Teil 1

If a song has light and color, then the music of Pakistan
is a beautiful jewel shining in the midst of the world’s musical treasure chest.
As an expression of culture,the music of Pakistan has embraced the diverse styles and traditions,
originated from South Asia, Central Asia,the Arab world and the modern West.   

*prayer song for Rama and Krishna in the classical genre of Bhajan*

If I am not on the hill,he comes into my house.
I tell him off to leave me alone,and do not open the door.

While I try to sleep,he wakes me with the throw of a stone.
It is first dawn at the riverbank,It is first dawn at the riverbank.

The playful Sham is teasing me.
It is first dawn at the riverbank,
The playful Sham is teasing me.

My shawl keeps getting tangled,
I feel helpless,what do I do, Ram.
It is first dawn at the riverbank,
It is first dawn at the riverbank,
It is first dawn at the riverbank.

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