Entwürfe des Zaubers und der Freiheit - der irakische Keramikkünstler Salam Jamil (Arabisch)   

Halo precious viewers, and welcome to today’s edition of Enlightening Entertainment.
Today, we will meet Mr. Salam Jamil, an Iraqi artist based in the United States. Mr. Jamil graduated from the Arts Academy Baghdad, Iraq. Prior to that, he studied in the Institute of Fine Arts in Baghdad. During his 28 years of professional experience, he has given exhibitions in top art galleries and schools in Amman, Jordan, and his works have been featured in the Modern Art Museum in Baghdad, Iraq. 
An international artist, Mr. Jamil has had 25 personal exhibitions in Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, and the United States. His works have been featured as well in Netherlands, Thailand, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and many nations. Born in the region of the ancient Babylon, in present-day Iraq, Mr. Salam Jamil frequently visited the fascinating walls and sites of the great Mesopotamian city-state.
Its lofty spiritual and cultural heritage was imprinted in Mr. Jamil’s heart and would inspire his works for a long time. Mr. Jamil is also a talented actor who has contributed to movies on Iraqi culture, especially ones featuring idyllic village life. Thus, as an artist, he is an ambassador of Iraqi tradition and culture.

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