Geschichten von vier philippinischen Rettern (Tagalog)   

Halo and welcome, bright viewers. In so many places, global warming has brought forth floods and other natural disasters on an unprecedented scale and frequency. Our hearts sink when fellow human beings are devastated by the impact. At the same time, amidst the tragedy, there are also those who take selfless initiative to help those in need. Their tales give hope to the rest of the world. It was after 3 pm on an ordinary weekday.

Mr. Ryan Manongdo, inspector and acting police chief was on dutyin San Jacinto Town, the Philippines when he saw water suddenly swelling up in front of his office. Immediately, he grabbed an inflatable mattress from his private quarters and dashed out into the strong current on the streets.The Philippines had already been devastated by Typhoon Ketsana and Tropical Storm Parma which swept the country days before, affecting 2.5 million citizens. Then, as the San Roque Dam started to open its gates, excessive amounts of water from these storms quickly overflowed into the town and surrounding areas.

Inspector Manongdo remembered from a news report how inflatable beds had saved lives during a flood in the capital of Manila. So he used a floating mattress to search for his fellow townspeople caught in the flood. The rapid raising water was nearly five-feet high when he spotted two teenage brothers, Rhubert and Rhuniel Venerayan, who had been doing the same.

Rhubert is 17 years old, and his brother Rhuniel is 16. Their mother had called them at the school and asked them to help a stranded family friend at the Magsaysay village less than a kilometer away. When they arrived at the village, the water was high and reached up to their waist, yet they continued to save not just the family friend but also others in need. Mr. Manongdo and his officers recruited them right away.

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