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Ein Leuchtfeuer für den Frieden: Palästinensisches Nachrichten-Netzwerk (Arabisch)   

Greetings, harmonious viewers,and welcome to Enlightening Entertainment on Supreme Master Television. Join us as we travel to Bethlehem today to visit with the Palestine News Network (PNN), an independent news agency based in this ancient and holy city. A variety of religions, Peoples, cultures and languages thrive in this city.

As a symbol of co-existence, it is befitting that Bethlehem is home to the Palestine News Network, which focuses on peaceful living between people of all backgrounds. At its headquarters in Bethlehem, Mr. Osama Awwad, the Arabic editor of this unique news agency spoke more about Palestine News Network work with Supreme Master Television correspondents.


Supreme Master Television stellte seine Sendungen am 2. Januar 2012 ein

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