Die 99 Bezeichnungen Allahs (Arabisch)   

Virtuous viewers, welcome to today’s A Journey through Aesthetic Realms.
Islam, originated by the blessed Prophet Muhammad in the 7th century, teaches belief in the one true God. The literal meaning of the word Islam directly translates as peace and total surrender of oneself to God.
 In Muslim tradition, Allah is the name for God, the utmost highest and loving power in the universe. The teachings of Islam are preserved in the book of Holy Qur’an, the text of divine verses which documents the final revelation of Allah to Prophet Muhammad, Peace Be Upon Him.
The holy Prophet received his first revelation of God from Archangel Gabriel, a communicator and mediator between Heaven and Earth, while he was on retreat in Mount Hira during the month of Ramadan some 1,400 years ago.
 Prophet Muhammad is the recipient of that revelation that was compiled and preserved in his time and has been preserved throughout the 400 years. Muhammad therefore received the revelation of Who Allah is, or how Allah dealt with the people of Ahad and Pharaoh, and how He treated Moses, or how Jesus escaped the Pharisees, or how we are supposed to live with patience and love and kindness and forbearance.

Who is Allah?
 The name Allah, derived from Arabic meaning the 『the sole deity, God,』 is the only one God, Creator and Sustainer of the universe. One finds solace in the Absolute which is Allah.
For example, the English name God can have a feminine name Goddess.
But the name Allah doesn’t have such a thing. So the name Allah is without a gender, no male or female.

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