Unique View: 228,142  
氣候變遷國際會議 (1) 美國加州西好萊塢 7/26/2008 (英語)
SOS Climate Change International ConferenceTake Action: Go Veg Be Green Save Our Planet Immediate attention and action is crucial for our planetary ecological existence. At the conference, participants was informed with the lates…
Unique View: 203,546  
人類躍升進入黃金時代 華盛頓特區氣候變遷會議(十集之一)11/8/2009 美國
On November 8, 2009, a climate change conference was held in Washington, D.C., the capital of the United States, to bring attention to the quickest and most effective solution to global warming: the organic vegan diet. Titled “Humanity…
Unique View: 157,633  
二○○九拯救地球會議(九集之一)4/26/2009 韓國首爾
On April 26,2009 the『Save Our Earth Conference 2009』was held in Seoul,South Korea and broadcast live on Supreme Master Television. This timely and informative event was organized by Mr. Chung Sung-Hyun,the p…
Unique View: 146,293  
用愛守護家園:(八集之一)10/11/2009 福爾摩沙台中
As the countdown continued with just over 1200 days left to save the planet, the Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association members in Taichung, Formosa (Taiwan) collaborated with 29 other co-organizers to host the climate change…
Unique View: 143,442  
「兒童健康與永續地球」國際研討會(八集之一)9/21/2009 韓國濟州島
Jeju Island, the largest island in S. Korea, is blessed with a natural beauty fresh air, clean water, pure seas, and volcanoes of various sizes further embellished the landscape. A number of Jeju’s distinctive features have been recogn…
Unique View: 141,690  
建設美麗的地球(九集之一)8/15/2009 泰國洛布里
Concerned about global warming and the urgent need to act now to protect human lives and the lives of all beings, members of the Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association in Thailand and Âu Lạc (Vietnam) organized another c…
Unique View: 137,099  
有機純素拯救世界防止氣候變遷並帶來繁榮(八集之一)10/22/2009 印尼
A climate change conference entitled “Vegan Organic for Prosperity and to Save the Planet from Climate Change” was held on October 22, 2009, in Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia. The purpose of the conference was to raise awaren…
Unique View: 133,048  
「二○○八拯救地球關鍵時刻:我可以怎麼做?」視訊會議 (1) 6/29/2008 福爾摩沙 (中文、英語)
Unique View: 120,259  
Unique View: 115,622  
與清海無上師的視訊會議:SOS拯救地球 3/6/2009(六集之一)墨西哥沙拉巴市
Concerned about the critical state of the planet caused by climate change,Association members of the Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association in Mexico organized the SOS: Save the Planet conference in Xalapa, the capital city of t…
Unique View: 104,643  
清海無上師談環保: 金星的秘密(十四集之一)8/29/2009 美國加州洛杉磯
Unique View: 103,424  
Mongolia,the Land of Blue Skies,conveys a mystique that lies in the nation’s vast wilderness and strong spirit that still grace her people today. It is a country of diverse landscape and climates,ranging from perpetual snow-tipped m…
Unique View: 101,825  
功德的真相:得與失(十三集之一)7/7/2010 美國加州洛杉磯
Unique View: 99,598  
Unique View: 95,320  
上帝品質與觀音法門的大力量(十二集之一)2/9/2011 美國加州洛杉磯
Unique View: 94,671  
新年新希望:如何更接近上帝(十二集之一)1/1/2011 美國加州洛杉磯
Unique View: 93,719  
揭開金字塔與麥田圈的秘密(十二集之二) 4/27/201 美國加州洛杉磯
Unique View: 93,100  
清海無上師談環保: 金星的秘密(十四集之一)8/29/2009 美國加州洛杉磯
Unique View: 90,662  
清海無上師著作《高貴的野生》德文法文版暨《今生有你—我的狗寶貝》波蘭文版新書發表會(五集之一) 10/18/2009 德國
After over twenty years of sharing her knowledge on how to live a balance life while pursuing a spiritual path, Supreme Master Ching Hai continues to dedicate her time and effort to uplift and enhance the life of all beings. In recent ye…
Unique View: 89,129