
How We Think Determines What We See - An Interview with Taylor Schmitz
The Raw Vegan Style: A Celebration of Life with Dr. Gina Shaw
Paper to Pearls: Transforming Women's Lives in Uganda
Meat and Climate Change in the Media
Vegan Earth Day for a Vegan World - June 21, 2009 California, USA
Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi: A Great Sage’s Love for All Beings (In Tamil)
Animals Contribute to the Health of Our Planet - Excerpts of Supreme Master Ching Hai's Lectures
Furry Tales from Finnish Animal Telepathic Communicator Maiccu Kostiainen (In Finnish)
A Closer Look at the Melting of the Antarctic with Dr. Ted Scambos
Cause and Retribution January 4 & March 8, 2009 France
The BARKA Foundation’s Peace, Water & Wisdom Walk - P1/2
Shining World Compassion Award: Dr. Michael Bascombe,Messenger for Animals
Adopt a Dog: Oscar’s World Woof Tour
Hyundai Puppet Theatre Presents “Deong Deong Kung Ta Kung” (In Korean)
Save Animals From Exploitation (SAFE): New Zealand’s LovePigs Campaign
International Sites