Mango: Dominikanska radost, ki je tako zelo okusna! (v španščini)      
(For all ingredients, Please use organic version if available)
Bell pepper
Soy cheese
Vegetable margarine
Sea salt
Vegetable oil

  1. Peel the plantain, clean it by scrapping off the residues of the peeling, cut it in half and boil it in a pot with water and a bit of salt.
  2. Meanwhile, cut the onion into half and then into pieces. Do the same with peppers.
  3. Take the tomato, slice a little and then cut into small pieces.
  4. Turn on the heat and put the frying pan.
  5. Add in a little bit of vegetable oil, add the vinegar, and half a teaspoon of salt.
  6. Wait until it warms up, and then add in the onion, the pepper, and the tomato.
  7. Sauté it , stir a little bit to get the flavor, and leave it around 5 to 7 minutes.
  8. Meanwhile, take the plantains, make sure they are very soft, and place them in another container.
  9. Using a potato masher, mash the plantains as follows: use cold water so that the plantains remain soft after being served.
  10. Pour the cold water around the help mash the plantains. Add in the margarine. Smash them. Again and again until they become very smooth.
  11. Meanwhile, stir again the onion and peppers and tomatoes to make sure they absorb the taste of vinegar and salt.
  12. Place the onion, pepper, and tomatoes in another container.
  13. Give a shape for the mashed plantain, which is called the mangú, and make a flat surface on top.
  14. Typically, pour the seasoning and onion on top of the mangú, so that the mangú absorbs all the flavors.
  15. Drizzle the seasoning around, the vinegar and the onion.
  16. Take a little bit of lettuce and place it around the dish.
  17. Take the cheese with the complement.
  18. The mangú is ready to be served.

File NO: 1576
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