Argentinec Pan Dulce (Veganski sladki kruh) (v španščini)      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
500 grams plain flour
200 grams sugar
150 milliliters sunflower oil
2 teaspoons malt extract
1 cup almond milk
50 grams fresh yeast
Nuts, glazed fruits, cacao nibs, etc.

for the filling
1 full tablespoon confectioner’s sugar and boiling water for the glazing

Directions (to make Argentinean Pan Dulce):

  1. Mixture: take 20 almonds, you soak them overnight. On the following day, you peel them, put them into a blender. Blend them with a cup of water, strain it and the almond milk is ready. Add the yeast (almond milk needs to be warm), add a little bit of sugar and a little bit of flour. Mixed up and set it aside (until bigger and foamy texture)
  2. Put the flour in the bowl
  3. Add organic sugar, mix them
  4. Leave a kind of hole in the center of the bowl
  5. Pour some oil
  6. Pour the mixture
  7. Add 2 teaspoons the malt extract
  8. Mixed them
  9. Bring a little bit of flour (with the flour you can knead at ease so it won’t get stuck to your fingers)
  10. Knead it strongly
  11. The dough shouldn’t be so elastic. It should be a little firm (gradually adding flour)
  12. Let it rest for about an hour, cover it with a biodegradable plastic bag
  13. Divide the dough into two (we can make two loaves of sweet bread)
  14. Chop the dried fruits
  15. Add the fruits gradually inside the dough
  16. Put the dough in the bowl and cover it with paper and biodegradable bag
  17. Let it rest for 5-8 hour
  18. Put it in a baking pan, in the oven with a low heat
  19. It’ll last about 40 minutes, between 40 and an hour, depending on the oven
  20. Mixed confectioner’s sugar with a little boiling water (a thick consistency)
  21. This confectioner’s sugar will make a kind of glazing, that will cover the sweet bread.
  22. Add some dried fruits, some walnuts, almonds in the center. Add the glazing on top of the dried fruits so that they stick
  23. Between 5–10 minutes the decoration and glazing are ready to taste
  24. Ready to serve

File NO: 1399
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