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Kuharski mojster Peter Ludik predstavi bavarsko kremno cvetačo z narezanimi cmoki in vegi pašteto (v nemščini)

(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
Creamed Savoy Cabbage
½ savoy cabbage
2 medium onions
2 heaped tablespoons flour
500 milliliters water
1 cup soy cream
½ cup olive oil

Sliced Bread Dumplings
(Serves 6)
500 grams rice
500 milliliters soy milk
250 grams hard bread roll slices
2 medium onions
20 grams mixed herbs
2 tablespoons vegetable stock
1 pinch pepper
½ cup olive oil

Vegetable Patties
4 heaped tablespoon rolled oats
1 big carrot
1 turnip
½ cucumber
½ zucchini
¼ broccoliOr other vegetables according to preference
1 tablespoon vegetable stock
1 ladle water
1 heaped tablespoon flour
1 heaped tablespoon nutritional yeast
1 teaspoon salt
1 pinch pepper

Fried Apple Rings
1 big apple
4 heaped tablespoons flour
1 packet (15 grams) vanilla sugar
1 packet (15 grams) baking powder
1 heaped tablespoon sugar
1 cup soy milk
1 pinch salt

On a separate plate, mix:
1 teaspoon cinnamon
2 tablespoons sugar