Kenijski Ugali in Skuma (Koruzna Torta in Paradižnikova Zelenjavna Juha) (V svahilščini)      
Ugali (Cornmeal Cake)
Cornmeal flour
2–3 glasses water
Skuma (Tomato Sautéed Kale)
6 small bunches kale
2–3 tomatoes
2–3 teaspoons turmeric powder

Ugali (Cornmeal Cake)
1.Add 2-3 glasses of water to the pot and boil it.
2. After it boils, add the flour. You have to check the amount of heat so it doesnt burn.
3. While adding the flour, stir it slowly, mix well with the water.
4. Remove it from the pot and turn over, shape it with watered cooking stick.

Skuma (Tomato Sautéed Kale)
1. Chop the kale & spinach and other veggiesfinely.
2. Dice the tomatoes finely.
3. Turn on the stove, add some cooking oil on it and wait for 2 min to heat up.
4. Add the tumeric 2-3 spoons.
5. Add tomatoes while slowly stirring.
6. Add a little bit salt and the chopped kale.
7. Cover them for 5-6min so they soften and shrink a bit.
8. Add spinach and stirr, cover also and leave for 5 mins.
9. Switch off the stove.

Cut the ugali like cake pieces, put some kale to make it good looking, serve it with skuma.

File NO: 894
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