SOS globalno segrevanje - Znanstveniki o podnebnih spremembah 

Šteje vsaka kapljica: Vodna mreža (v nizozemščini)
Dr. Rebecca Lee: Ugotovitve slavnega raziskovalca iz Hong Konga glede podnebnih sprememb
Bližnji pogled na taljenje Antarktike z dr. Ted Scambos-om
Znanstvenik na področju podnebnih sprememb dr. Stephen Schneider o stanju našega planeta
Dr. Rajendra K. Pachauri: Globalno segrevanje- Vpliv proizvodnje in uživanja mesa na podnebne spremembe
Taljenje Antarktike: Intervju s profesorjem Petrom Barrettom
Using Science to Save the Planet: An Interview with Dr. Vandana Shiva (In Hindi)
Top climatologist Dr. James Hansen calls for less coal and less meat to stop global warming.
Earth's Precious Resources: On the Importance of Hydrology
Caring for Our Coral Reefs with Dr. Andrew Rossiter & Coral Specialist Charles Delbeek
Climate Change & Natural Hazards: An Interview with Dr. Gordon McBean
Earth's Tipping Points - In-Depth with Dr. James Hansen, Director of NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies
Methane Hydrate: What it is & How it Affects Climate Change - An Interview with Dr. Roy Hyndman
The Environment & Global Health: An Interview with UN IPCC Scientist, Dr. Jonathan Patz
Dr. Rajendra Pachauri,Chief of UN IPCC on a Win-Win Situation for the Planet: Go Vegetarian!