Relief news update from the Philippines - 28 Jun 2011  
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Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association relief news update from the Philippines.
As Tropical Storm Aere struck the Philippines’ eastern Bicol and central Visayas regions in the early part of May, at least 11 people perished and 1 million were evacuated.

On May 10, Supreme Master Ching Hai donated US$15,000 and asked our Association members to render assistance, conveying her love and prayers for the victims.

This amount could purchase US$203,000 in emergency supplies obtained in the United States, based on the Philippines’ cost of living. Covering their own travel and related expenses of US$1,865, our Association members from Formosa (Taiwan) joined the Philippine relief team in Manila as soon as conditions permitted.

Together, they flew to Gamarines Sur Province where 15 villages with 1,500 households had been inundated and were in desperate need of aid. Relief packages were prepared, each containing rice, oil, salt, vinegar, sugar and coffee, which were then distributed to the families across 12 of the villages. The remaining 150 packages were entrusted to a local non-profit group to reach the rest of the most vulnerable households.

Edwin Milia – Mayor’s office of Bula, Garamines Sur (M): On behalf of the local government unit of Bula, I would like to express my gratitude to the Supreme Master Ching Hai for choosing our municipality to become the beneficiaries of the relief.

VOICE: With appreciation to the Philippine officials and personnel for their timely help, we also join in thanking Supreme Master Ching Hai for her compassionate support and our relief team for their caring efforts. As we wish the storm-affected people a soon regaining of their productive lives, may such weather extremities be eased as we all strive for more eco-stabilizing ways.
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