Speaking Within:Animal Telepathic Communicator Pea Horsley   
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Halo kind viewers, welcome to Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants.

This episode features Pea Horsley, a professional animal telepathic communicator living in Britain.
Pea Horsley communicates inside with the animal companions of others and offers consultations either in-person, by phone or email.

She also organizes workshops across Britain and Europe to teach people how to converse telepathically with animals.

On her website Ms. Horsley has posted the following message, 『My mission, or as I see it – purpose in life
- is to help bring more communication, balance, compassion, and understanding among all living beings, humans and animals.』

Recently Pea Horsley discussed with our Supreme Master Television correspondent in the United Kingdom her many rewarding experiences from connecting inside with animals.

I can tell you about a beautiful cat that I communicated with called Stuart, in fact this is Stuart.
He is a Maine Coon. And shortly after I began to communicate with Stuart he was diagnosed with cancer.
And before he passed over he wanted to pass a message on to his guardians which he communicated through me. 

He wanted to give them three pieces of advice which he wanted them to hear and to take on board.

The first piece of advice was to breathe slowly to connect with energy.
The second piece was to think only positive thoughts.
The third piece was to follow your heart on all matters.

One student had a wonderful message from one of the tortoises about humanity.
This message is:

 The huge mass relocation of people from one country to another with wars is the greatest misguidance of the value of human life and the role each and every one of you is to play.

Live simply and sparing with food for living. The only indulgence should be basking in the beauty of nature
and harmony which surrounds us.  

For more information about Pea Horsley please visit

trackback : http://suprememastertv.tv/bbs/tb.php/featured_si/328

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