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OUR NOBLE LINEAGE With God's Love,Christian Vegetarian Association P1/2   
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Welcome, friends and viewers, to Our Noble Lineage on Supreme Master Television for part 1 of “With God’s Love,Christian Vegetarian Association.”

The message of loving stewardship and friendship towards animals as expounded in the Christian Bible has been carried out throughout the ages with animal loving saints such as Saint Kevin of Ireland,Saint Seraphim of Sarov,and Saint Francis of Assisi.

In modern times, we can find these loving values,principles, and actions in ever growing numbers of people and organizations around the world.As the consciousness of the world elevates,lifestyles also change.People become more aware of the impact of their actions and choices, particularly on the precarious state of our planet.

Recent years have witnessed more people turning to purer,plant-based diets.As a result, vegetarian organizations are dotting the globe in rising numbers. One of such organizations is the Christian Vegetarian Association (CVA).

The Christian Vegetarian Association is an international, non-denominational ministry, dedicated 
to respectfully promote healthy, Christ-centered, and God-honoring lifestyles among Christians.
The organization achieves this through websites,lectures, Bible study,discussion groups, and leaflet distribution.

Following is a short video CVA has produced to address some of the sensitive topics regarding one’s diet,well-being, and ethics:



(King James version)
Genesis 1:29 And God said, Behold,I have given you every herb bearing seed,which is upon the face of all the Earth,and every tree,in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed;to you it shall be for meat.

Genesis 1:30 And to every beast of the earth,and to every fowl of the air,and to everything that creepeth upon the earth,wherein there is life,I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so.

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Supreme Master Television ended broadcasting on January 2, 2012

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