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Proud to be African: Fabulous Fashion by Ghanaian Designer Issah Al-Hassan (In Ewe)   
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Halo, vibrant viewers, and welcome to A Journey through Aesthetic Realms on Supreme Master Television.
In today’s program, we will visit a unique fashion shop named Majeed Creations in the beautiful country of South Africa and enjoy some traditionally-based designs from Ghanaian couturier, Mr. Issah Al-Hassan.

Issah (m): (In English)My name is Issah Al-Hassan from Ghana, but right now I am in South Africa as a fashion designer.

Issah (m): I learned my occupation as a professional in fashion design in West Africa, in Nigeria. Then, I went back to Ghana. I decided to move my profession down to South Africa, so that I can show the rest of the Africans the kind of talent that I have in African designs.

Issah (m): I choose to design African clothes because I was born in Africa as an African. I choose to also be a servant who is going to advertise Africa to the rest of the world.

HOST:  Being very proud of his rich culture, Mr. Al-Hassan is dressed in traditional Ghanaian style.

Issah (m): This one I am wearing here is an open shirt. But it was mixed, both South African and West African material. You can see how it is by the sleeve and the collar. It’s a material from Ghana that we use.
For Ghanaian tradition, if you go wherever in Ghana, you can find this kind of designs. It’s a design for Ghana, Ashanti Kingdom. They believe that is the color of their ancestors, that is the color you are supposed to use before you become a really traditional person in West Africa.

For more information on Mr. Al-Hassan’s designs, please contact:
Majeed Creations Corner of Troy and Jeppe Street, Johannesburg Shop nr 217, 2nd floor Pan African House South Africa Telephone: +27 73 010 9919

Email: ICollyCreation@gmail.com

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