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STOP ANIMAL CRUELTY Imprisoned for Life:Marine Mammals in Captivity - P1/2   
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The images in the following program are very sensitive and may be as disturbing to viewers as they were to us. However, we have to show the truth about cruelty to animals.

Dr. Rose (f): The main thing is space, for such a large species as Orca to be in such a small, confined space. Even the biggest tank isn’t that big to them. They can only go maybe five full strokes before they hit the wall, and have to turn. This is just nothing compared to the natural world.

HOST: Thoughtful viewers, this is the Stop Animal Cruelty series on Supreme Master Television. Following a recent tragic accident in the United States involving an Orca whale at a marine park, members of the media, animal advocates, marine mammal experts and concerned individuals around the world are renewing their call
for the immediate release of all captive whales and dolphins.

These highly intelligent, social beings experience extreme stress and suffering when put on display in small tanks, with some being forced to perform in shows for the public’s amusement.

Members of the dolphin family,Orcas are found in all the Earth’s oceans, where they love to socialize with one another. The young remain with their mothers for life in a family group or “pod” consisting of the mother, her adult offspring and those of her daughters. Another well-known dolphin species, the Bottlenose,
is the most likely of all dolphins to be imprisoned in aquariums. 

For the sake of so-called “entertainment,” Bottlenose dolphins and Orcas are heartlessly stolen from their families and robbed of their freedom.

Dr. Naomi Rose, an expert on marine mammal protection from the US-based animal welfare organization Humane Society International, shares her thoughts on this inhumane practice.

For more information on captive marine mammals, please visit:
Human Society International www.HSUS.org/hsi
Save Japan Dolphins

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Supreme Master Television ended broadcasting on January 2, 2012

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