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STOP ANIMAL CRUELTY Depths of Despair:The Callous Crime of Shark Finning   
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Melody Chen (f): I think sharks are deeply misunderstood and that everybody thinks of status when they eat shark fin soup, but they are so unaware about the abuse of sharks. We need to make a stand. Sharks are part of our ecosystem.

HOST: Kind-hearted viewers, this is the Stop Animal Cruelty series on Supreme Master Television. Our topic today is the vicious slaughter of a highly endangered giant of the sea, the shark, for their fins.

Sharks have inhabited Earth’s oceans for more than 400-million years, and scientists have found that they are highly intelligent beings.

From an ecological standpoint, sharks are vital to keeping the marine ecosystem in balance. And as shark populations disappear, the oceanic environment becomes disrupted in a chain reaction.

Andrea: Some shark populations have declined more than 80% in the past fifteen years.
There is an 89% decline in the hammerhead sharks. There’s a 79% decline in the great white sharks. There’s an 88% decline in angel sharks. IUCN's Red List of Threatened Species of 2006 contains at least 547 species of sharks; with 20% being classified as critically endangered,

For more information on shark conservation, please visit:The Animal Concerns Research and Education Society www.Acres.org.sg EarthCare www.Earth.org.hk
East & Animal Society of Taiwan www.East.org.tw

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Supreme Master Television ended broadcasting on January 2, 2012

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