SOS - A Quick Action to Stop Global Warming - P1/6 November 16, 2009 Orizaba, Veracruz, Mexico (In Spanish)    5. del
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The United Mexican States or Mexico is located in southern North America.
Its capital is Mexico City, which is one of the largest cities on Earth. Mexico is the 6th largest country in the Americas and the 15th largest in the world.

It has a population of about 106 million, and, therefore, is the 11th most populous country. This beautiful country has many listings as UNESCO World Heritage Sights, both cultural and natural.

As cultural listings Mexico boasts: The Ancient Maya City of Calakmul, El-Tajin – a Pre-Hispanic city and the Rock Paintings of the Sierra de San Francisco; to name but a few.

Natural UNESCO listings include: The islands and protected areas of the Gulf of California and the Whale Sanctuary of El Vizcaino. For almost three thousand years, Mexico was the site of several advanced Amerindian civilizations – the Mesoamerican cultures – such as the Olmec, the Maya and the Aztecs.

Today, Mexico hosts a wealth of unique cultures; every region hosts a distinct culture and language. In recent years, Mexico has become more proactive in its efforts to protect the environment including the urgent issue of global warming.

In 2008, Mexico was lauded by a World Bank’s report, “Less Carbon: Latin America Faced with the Challenge of Climate Change,” for its National Climate Change Strategy to reduce millions of tons of carbon emissions.
To inform the public about the gravity of global warming and its solutions, government officials of the State of Veracruz had hosted several climate change conferences in which Supreme Master Ching Hai was invited as the special Guest of Honor.

During these conferences, Supreme Master Ching Hai graciously shared her insight and the message of the single most effective and immediate solution to mitigate global warming –the vegan diet.

We now invite you to join us for the 6-part series rebroadcast of the live videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai titled “SOS – A Quick Action to Stop Global Warming” on November 16, 2009, in Orizaba, Veracruz, Mexico.

Sorodna povezava
Prehod človeštva v Zlato Dobo - Washinghton, D.C.,Konferenca o podnebnih spremembah , del 1/9 8 November 2009 - ZDA
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Organsko vegantstvo za blaginjo in za rešitev planeta pred podnebnimi spremembami, 22. okt. 2009, Indonezija
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Zaščitite svoj dom z LJUBEZNIJO - 11. okt. 2009, Taichung, Formosa
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Global Warming: Yes,There is a Solution! P1/4 September 12, 2009 Lima, Peru
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Global Unity: Together in Saving Lives P1/8 October 3 , 2009 Hong Kong
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"Children's Health & Sustainable Planet" Jeju International Conference P1/8 September 21, 2009 Jeju Island, S. Korea
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Solutions for a Beautiful Planet - P1/9 August 15 , 2009 Nonthaburi, Thailand
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Be Organic Vegan to Save the Planet P1/8 - May 9, 2009 Lome, Togo
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Videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai Global Warming – SOS International Conference - Part 1 Jan. 27, 2009-Mongolia (In English & Mongolian)
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Climate Change International Conference - Part 1 West Hollywood, CA, USA July 26, 2008-07
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Lectures from International Gatherings in 2008 and 2009
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