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171 Vegetarijanstvo: plemeniti način življenja Presents for All:Vegan Christmas Feast with Chef Cary Brown -P1/2
      WMV (51 MB)     MP4(148 MB)  
December - 21 - 2009 Ponedeljek
170 Svet živali Towards a Greener Costa Rica: From Dairy to Organic Vegetable Farm (In Spanish)
      WMV (47 MB)     MP4(91 MB)  
December - 19 - 2009 Sobota
170 Vegetarijanska elita Lovin' Life & Basketball:1-on-1 with Vegan NBA Champ John Salley - P1/2
December - 19 - 2009 Sobota
170 Besede modrosti Protect Our Home with L.O.V.E. P1/8 October 11, 2009 Taichung, Formosa
      WMV (86 MB)     MP4(181 MB)  
December - 18 - 2009 Petek
170 Svet živali Shining World Compassion Award: Brisbane Carers Group - Rescuers of Australian Wildlife, P1/2
      WMV (43 MB)     MP4(102 MB)  
December - 17 - 2009 Četrtek
170 Svet živali Caged for Life: The Endless Tears of Mother Pigs
      WMV (47 MB)     MP4(94 MB)  
December - 15 - 2009 Torek
170 Zdravo življenje Dr. John McDougall, Enjoy Optimal Health for Life, P1/2
      WMV (33 MB)     MP4(61 MB)  
December - 14 - 2009 Ponedeljek
169 Vegetarijanska elita Lovin' Life & Basketball:1-on-1 with Vegan NBA Champ John Salley - P1/2
      WMV (53 MB)     MP4(105 MB)  
December - 12 - 2009 Sobota
169 Besede modrosti Global Warming: Yes,There is a Solution! P1/4 September 12, 2009 Lima, Peru
      WMV (114 MB)     MP4(184 MB)  
December - 12 - 2009 Sobota
169 Svet živali Courageous Pig Farmers Transition to a Peaceful Lifestyle P1/2
      WMV (41 MB)     MP4(108 MB)  
December - 10 - 2009 Četrtek
169 Planet Zemlja: naš ljubeči dom Planning for the Planet’s Future: United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Session in Bali,P1/2
      WMV (50 MB)     MP4(93 MB)  
December - 9 - 2009 Sreda
169 Besede modrosti The Premiere of Supreme Master Ching Hai's Books:The Dogs in My Life & The Noble Wilds - Aulacese edition P2/4 Aug. 15, 2009 - Thailand
      WMV (116 MB)     MP4(237 MB)  
December - 8 - 2009 Torek
169 Glasba in poezija Heartfelt Plea to the World - Supreme Master Ching Hai’s Newest Poems and Song Adaptations: Please Wake Up! & Please Don't Go (In Aulacese)
      WMV (232 MB)     MP4(527 MB)  
December - 7 - 2009 Ponedeljek
168 Svet živali A Change of Heart: From Dairy Farmers to Compassionate Vegans (In Persian)
      WMV (39 MB)     MP4(79 MB)  
December - 5 - 2009 Sobota
168 Glasba in poezija Heartfelt Plea to the World - Supreme Master Ching Hai’s Newest Poems and Song Adaptations: Please Don’t Go & Please Wake Up! (In Aulacese)
      WMV (232 MB)     MP4(527 MB)  
December - 5 - 2009 Sobota
  Supreme Master Television ended broadcasting on January 2, 2012