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Dnevni napotki
good for balancing vata
it’s vata season out there! This is the cold, dry, and windy season according to the ancient Indian medical system of Ayurveda. According to Ayurveda, sesame seeds are especially good for balancing vata. Other good foods include rice, olive oil and sesame oil; vegetables such as beets, carrots, asparagus and sweet potatoes. Raw soaked nuts, such as cashews, almonds and pistachios are also balancing during this season.
rub on some sesame oil to help prevent sunburn.
We have a tip for our friends in the Southern Hemisphere, especially if you are about to go out into the sun. Instead of using sunscreen lotion, which some people are allergic to, you can rub on some sesame oil to help prevent sunburn. Sesame oil can absorb 30% of the sun’s ultraviolet rays and can neutralize the free radicals under your skin.
tip for helping you conserve energy and finances during the winter
we have a tip to help you conserve energy and finances during the winter! One way to conserve energy and reduce your costs is to minimize the use of ventilation fans. A good bathroom fan can take the warm air out of a house in as little time as an hour. That sounds like a pretty easy way to save the environment, keep warm and save some money all at the same time! And now, let’s take a peek at the weather!
keeping your home warmer
we have some useful tips for you on keeping your home warmer and reducing energy costs during the winter. It’s quite simple: When the sun comes out, open your curtains and let the light shine in to warm up your home. Be certain to close the curtains in the evening to prevent heat from escaping.
tip for sunburn
Here’s a tip for our friends in the southern hemisphere! Sun is important for helping the body to produce Vitamin D, but too much of a good thing can be painful! If you get sunburn, the Aloe Vera plant can be your friend! It has been used as a healing agent since the time of the Ancient Egyptians! It will provide an immediate cooling effect on the skin, and will form a protective layer on your skin, preventing de-hydration and promoting more rapid healing.
health tips for winter
Next, we are going to share some more health tips for winter from Dr. Elson M. Haas. Dr. Haas is a vegetarian, and a well-known author of over six books, and is well known as one of the pioneers in the practice of integrative medicine. The following is from “Staying Healthy with Dr. Elson Haas,” : “Nourish yourself. In this still cold time of winter, provide your body with the extra raw materials it needs. Emphasize warming foods - more concentrated sources of fuel and nutrients, including whole grains and beans, nuts and seeds, seaweed, and quality proteins. In cold or damp weather, you also require a few more calories and spices such as ginger, and cayenne to heat your body.”
health tips for winter
we wanted to share some health tips for winter from Dr. Elson M. Haas. Dr. Haas is a vegetarian, and a well-known author of over six books, and is well known as one of the pioneers in the practice of integrative medicine. The following is from “Staying Healthy with Dr. Elson Haas,”: “Get quality sleep. Sleep involves both your state-of-mind and body chemistry. If you go to bed feeling stressed or laden with worries, even if you don't normally have insomnia, your sleep may not have the quality it does when your mind is relaxed. On the other hand, I have patients who report that they sleep more deeply and more easily if they supplement with certain nutrients, such as calcium and magnesium.
the benefits of ginger tea
we wanted to tell you about the benefits of ginger tea, especially during the winter. Ginger has a number of wonderful medical benefits. It helps to bring down a fever by promoting perspiration. It also aids digestion. You can make a tea by taking slices of fresh ginger and boiling them in water. Then serve it up hot with some sweetener and enjoy! Ahhh, hot ginger tea on a winter day. Some of the best things in life are simple!
fruits and veggies are important in keeping up immunity
My, those winter veggies are sure thriving and look delicious! remember fruits and veggies are important in keeping up immunity, for those of you in the wintry northern hemisphere. And we wish to remind those of our viewers in the south to keep up their fluid intake today.
keep us warm in cold winter
In some countries the winter cold can be unpleasant, especially the early morning chill. However, finishing off a hot shower with thirty seconds or so of cold water can make a big difference and actually keep us warm, from the inside. The cold water works by closing tight the pores in our skin, trapping the heat we have from our warm beds and showers, keeping us warm for a long while.
Are you preparing for the holidays?
Are you preparing for the holidays? I’m getting ready to enjoy the New Year with my harvest of fresh veggies from the garden!
Tip for Hay fever
here are some helpful tips for our brothers and sisters down in the Southern Hemisphere. Hay fever is a problem in warm weather; and symptoms can be alleviated by reducing animal products in your diet and increasing raw nuts and seeds, whole grains and leafy green vegetables. A study in the 2003 edition of Allergy showed that those who consumed high amounts of Vitamin E and eicosapentaenoic acid – or EPA – were at less risk to hay fever symptoms. EPA is an Omega-3 fatty acid, and is found in raw nuts and seeds and cold-pressed oils. Your best sources are flax, hemp, walnuts and pumpkin seeds. Vitamin E is found in raw nuts and seeds, whole grains and dark leafy green vegetables.
To help ward off the flu which can be common during winter
here’s something that Bastyr University, from Seattle, Washington, USA, recommends for good health. “To help ward off the flu which can be common during winter, we can start with the basics: - “Wash your hands frequently – use warm water and soap and rub your hands together for at least 20 seconds. - “Eat a good diet, which means cutting out sugar and getting plenty of whole, unrefined foods, including whole grains, fruits, vegetables and adequate protein. - “Take a high-quality multivitamin and mineral supplement on an ongoing basis. Supplement with high doses of vitamin C, perhaps 3,000 mg per day, when you’re feeling vulnerable to the cold or flu. - “Live a balanced life. This includes getting adequate sleep. Sleep is recovery time for the body’s functions, including the immune system.” - Along the same line, deep meditation is also a good way to allow healing for our body and our soul. Down in Australia, they’re having glorious weather for planting delicio…
holiday season tips
Nice to see you. It is already Christmas eve or Christmas in some parts of the world, so we would like to share some holiday season tips: avoid overloading electrical outlets, and remember only to use outdoor lights outside the home. So keep safe and stay healthy to enjoy a happy holiday season. Now let’s see what kind of weather the rest of the world will be enjoying Christmas in.
healthy holiday season tip
With Christmas in several days, we wanted to provide a healthy holiday season tip: as you make more use of your fireplace, remember to have a fire extinguisher readily available!
11 ~ 20
::: SOS globalno segrevanje :::
REŠITVE za PLANET od Najvišje Mojstrice Ching Hai
Rešite naš planet - Najnovejše novice o podnebnih spremembah
Novice družbeno-koristih del ob naravnih katastrofah
Toplogredni plini
Krčenje gozdov
Izguba biološke raznovrstnosti
Izjemne podnebne razmere
Pomanjkanje hrane
Človeški vpliv
Taljenje polarnih ledenikov
Dvig gladine morja
Pomanjkanje vode in onesnaženje
Globalno segrevanje zaradi izpusta plina metana
Kritično stanje planeta
Veganska rešitev
Organsko kmetovanje
Zelena tehnologija
Znanstveniki o podnebnih spremembah
Politiki o podnebnih spremembah
Najvišja Mojstrica Ching Hai o okolju
Konferenca o podnebnih spremembah z Najvišjo Mojstrico Ching Hai
Informacije o podnebnih spremembah
Oglasi o podnebnih spremembah
Oddaje o podnebnih spremembah
Poročilo ZN
Dnevni napotki
Rešitev je organsko veganski način
Živinoreja je odgovorna za več kot
51 %
svetovnih izpustov toplogrednih plinov
-World Watch Inštitut
Globalni prehod k
veganski prehrani
bi lahko
zmanjšal stroške nastale zaradi podnebnih sprememb za 80 %
- Nizozemska okoljevarstvena ocenjevalna agencija
Dr. Pachaurijeva predstavitev:
"Globalno segrevanje:
vpliv proizvodnje in uživanja mesa
na podnebne spremembe."
Živinoreja je glavna grožnjaokolju - bolj kot prevoz
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