Sedajni in pretekli spored
  2008-10-23     Thu
: : Besede modrosti : :
Animals/Forgive/Environment , Prohibition on Alcohol
Kindness to Strangers ,Humility

: : Popotovanje skozi estetska kraljestva : :
Thai Films for You:Dream Team, Mid Road ,Gang, The Overture (In Thai)

: : Vegetarijanstvo: plemeniti način življenja : :
Veganissimo: A Fresh Dining Experience in Finland (In Finnish)

: :Med Mojstrico in učenci : :
From The Essene Gospel of Peace:Book 4: The Teachings of the Elect: The Essene Communions & The Holy Streams (In Hebrew)

: : Svet živali : :
The Transparent Beauty of Jellyfish
: : Razsvetljujoče razvedrilo : :
Aulacese (Vietnamese) Modern Folk Opera:
Weaving by the Bridge Part 1 (In Aulacese)
      WMV (60 MB)     MP4(112 MB)  


  Supreme Master Television ended broadcasting on January 2, 2012