Sedajni in pretekli spored
  2009-07-30     Thu
: : Besede modrosti : :
Animal/Forgive/Environment , Prohibition on Alcohol
Kindness to Strangers , Humility

: : Popotovanje skozi estetska kraljestva : :
Irish Fathers and Heroes: Into the West, Darby O’Gill and the Little People, & Evelyn (In Gaelic)

      WMV (53 MB)     MP4(79 MB)  
: : Vegetarijanstvo: plemeniti način življenja : :
Italian Seasoned Potato Veggie Casserole with Avocado Summer Strawberry Salad

      WMV (25 MB)     MP4(42 MB)  
: :Med Mojstrico in učenci : :
From the Holy Text of Tibetan Buddhism:Songs 43-44, 46-50

      WMV (50 MB)     MP4(82 MB)  
: : Svet živali : :
Jim Meyer’s Animal Aid Unlimited of Udaipur, India
: : Razsvetljujoče razvedrilo : :
Aulacese (Vietnamese) Modern Folk Opera:
Sound of the White Jade Lute P1/2 (In Aulacese)


  Supreme Master Television ended broadcasting on January 2, 2012