Sedajni in pretekli spored
  2009-09-01     Tue
: : Besede modrosti : :
The Light Keeper P2/3
April 29, 2000 Colombo, Sri Lanka (In Sinhalese)

      WMV (89 MB)     MP4(209 MB)  
: : Popotovanje skozi estetska kraljestva : :
The Dazzling Land of Pakistan (In Urdu)

: : Vegetarijanstvo: plemeniti način življenja : :
Malaysian Vegan Mee Rebus(Potato Gravy Noodles) (In Malay)

      WMV (43 MB)     MP4(84 MB)  
: :Med Mojstrico in učenci : :
Use Our Mind to Discern the Truth – P1/2
January 5, 2009 France

      WMV (40 MB)     MP4(90 MB)  
: : Svet živali : :
Viruses of Our Own Breeding - Interview with Dr. Michael Greger - P2/2
      WMV (42 MB)     MP4(76 MB)  
: : Razsvetljujoče razvedrilo : :
“Veganism's Essential Role in Preventing an Unprecedented Global Catastrophe” by Richard H. Schwartz, Ph.D


  Supreme Master Television ended broadcasting on January 2, 2012