Sedajni in pretekli spored
  2009-10-06     Tue
: : Besede modrosti : :
Solutions for a Beautiful Planet - P7/9
August 15, 2009 Nonthaburi, Thailand

      WMV (126 MB)     MP4(243 MB)  
: : Popotovanje skozi estetska kraljestva : :
Globally Rethinking Waste: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle! (In Portuguese)

      WMV (40 MB)     MP4(75 MB)  
: : Vegetarijanstvo: plemeniti način življenja : :
Korean Temple Cuisines:Green Perilla Taro Soup and Shiitake Mushroom Flower Pancakes (In Korean)

      WMV (48 MB)     MP4(108 MB)  
: :Med Mojstrico in učenci : :
Expectations Dampen Our Spiritual Progress P3/3
August 24, 1997 London, UK

      WMV (38 MB)     MP4(90 MB)  
: : Svet živali : :
The Primate Trade - Trafficking in Torment (In Spanish)
      WMV (45 MB)     MP4(114 MB)  
: : Razsvetljujoče razvedrilo : :
Peace-loving: A Visit with Bethlehem Mayor the Honorable Dr. Victor Batarseh & Palestinian Co-citizens (In Arabic)
      WMV (34 MB)     MP4(76 MB)  


  Supreme Master Television ended broadcasting on January 2, 2012