Sedajni in pretekli spored
  2009-11-17     Tue
: : Besede modrosti : :
Spirituality Shines in Adversities P1/2
June 7, 1999 Dublin, Ireland

      WMV (119 MB)     MP4(205 MB)  
: : Popotovanje skozi estetska kraljestva : :
The Dazzling Truck Art of Pakistan (In Urdu)

: : Vegetarijanstvo: plemeniti način življenja : :
Making a Lunchbox with Mum, P2/2: Pasta with Homegrown Runner Beans and Spinach Beets

      WMV (33 MB)     MP4(68 MB)  
: :Med Mojstrico in učenci : :
It Is Difficult to Renounce the Ego P2/2
January 4, 2009

      WMV (43 MB)     MP4(58 MB)  
: : Svet živali : :
Cries Unheard:The Torture of Turkeys
      WMV (59 MB)     MP4(84 MB)  
: : Razsvetljujoče razvedrilo : :
Perspectives on Peace from Palestine (In Arabic)
      WMV (44 MB)     MP4(92 MB)  


  Supreme Master Television ended broadcasting on January 2, 2012