Sauerkraut and the Benefits of Probiotics with Chef Dina Knight      
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(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
Red cabbage
Green cabbage
Salt (Himalayan, high-quality sea salt, or Celtic sea salt)
Ceramic container for storage

  1. Cut the green and red cabbage and cut out the stem.
  2. Cut the cabbage into thin shreds or just use a food processor with the slicing disc to make the job a lot easier.
  3. Put the sliced cabbage into a big bowl. Make the bowl full with cabbage.
  4. Mix the green cabbage with the red cabbage into one large bowl.
  5. Add in some salt.
  6. Start massaging the cabbage. Work your hands in into a deep tissue massage.
  7. Keep massaging until the cabbage shrink down and get softer.
  8. To help the process along, it is allowed to add a little bit of water.
  9. When the cabbages are nice and soft and juicy, put them in a specially made container that’s made out of ceramic. A nice glass jar would be a second good option.
  10. Press the cabbage strong to the bottom of the container. Leave a little bit of room at the top or the ceramic pot or the glass jar to allow the natural probiotics start to grow.
  11. Put a small plate and if you reserved the outer cabbage leaves, put those leaves on top of the cabbage and that will help to protect the inner part of the cabbage, and then put some type of weight, either a stone or a rock, on the plate.
  12. Once the cabbage are fully submerged in the liquid, which is just the salt and the water, put the container into a dry, pretty warm location, between 60 and 70 degrees (Fahrenheit) and put it in some place that’s dark.
  13. Cover the container with like a nice light towel just so no bugs or anything gets in, so that it still can breathe because it is a living organism and it’s continue to grow.
  14. Check on it around in 3 or 5 days. Sometimes there’s a little bit of mold that kind of grow on the top. This is perfectly normal. Just scrape that off and put it into trash. But the cabbage that’s underneath it is perfectly safe and it’s really full of beneficial bacteria.
  15. Taste the cabbage that’s underneath the leaf as long as it’s been submersed the whole time, and make sure the taste is a little bit tangy and you like it.
  16. For stronger taste, just ferment it longer.
  17. If you already like the taste, just stop the fermentation process by putting a lit on the container and put it into the fridge.
  18. This is what is called the original sauerkrauts.
  19. To add additional flavors, add some sea vegetables to the original sauerkrauts.
  20. Add in the sea vegetables and let it sit with it and it will continue to release its mineral density into the sauerkraut mix.
  21. To create some sort of like a kimchi, just add a couple of inches of ginger, put into the mix with the sauerkraut, add extra chilies like serrano peppers or jalapenos, or Thai chilies, and then add a little bit more salt and some daikon raddish, or some carrot.

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