Mighty Kenyan Kunde with Sweet Potatoes (In Swahili)      
Kunde (cowpeas vegetable)
1 kilogram sweet potatoes
2 tablespoons salt
5 tomatoes
2 tablespoons sodium carbonate
100 milliliters cooking oil

  1. Peel the sweet potatoes and chop it into pieces.
  2. Cut the tomatoes and slice them.
  3. Pour an average amount of water into a pot.
  4. Add in soda ash.
  5. Add in 1 and ½ tablespoons of magadi.
  6. Heat the water until boil and then add in the kunde.
  7. Cover the pot and let it cook for about 10-15 minutes.
  8. Meanwhile, pour some water into another pot and let it boil.
  9. Add about 2 teaspoons of salt into the pot.
  10. Use wooden spatula to stir until the salt completely dissolves into the water.
  11. Slowly add in the sweet potatoes. Let it cook.
  12. When the kunde already soft, separate the water from the kunde. Squeeze the water out from the kunde.
  13. Put the kunde into a basin. Leave some water from the kunde for the broth.
  14. When the sweet potatoes already cook, drain the water.
  15. Heat some cooking oil in a frying pan, and then add in the sliced tomatoes. Just remember to add in the tomatoes before the oil gets hot.
  16. Add in some salt as preference.
  17. Use medium heat so that the food doesn’t burn.
  18. Cover the pan for about 2 minutes and stir it once a while so that it doen’t burn.
  19. Stir to make sure the tomatoes are really getting mashed properly.
  20. When the tomatoe ready, add in the kunde. Mix it.
  21. Cover the pan for about 1 minute.
  22. The kunde is ready.
  23. Serve it with the boiled sweet potatoes.

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