Togolese Savory Coconut Paste (In Ewe)      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
Corn flour
Fresh tomato
Tomato paste
Chili pepper
Powdered spices
Soy protein chunks

  1. Remove the coco meat from inside the nut.
  2. Cut the coconut into small pieces in order to make it easy to grind in the food processor.
  3. After blending, strain it in order to get the liquid.
  4. Press the coconut mixture with your fingers, press, press, until the water goes down.
  5. The result of this is called coconut milk.
  6. Put the coconut milk on the stove until it is boiling.
  7. When it is boiling, there will be coconut oil on the surface, and so add in the rest of the ingredients.
  8. First, add in the tomatoes, mix it very well so that the tomato can spread inside.
  9. Let it boil for a while before adding the rest of the ingredients.
  10. Add in the seasoning powder, salt, onion, and the chili pepper.
  11. Stir it and mix it well.
  12. Let it boil.
  13. Add in the gluten and the soy protein.
  14. Stir a little bit and let it boil a little bit like for 3 – 5 minutes.
  15. Cover the pot so it can boil quickly.
  16. As soon as it boils again, add in the flour little by little and stir at the same time.
  17. Add the flour until the mixture thick enough.
  18. Stir quickly so that the mixture will not lumpy.
  19. When the mixture has become a paste, put it on a plate and it is ready to be eaten.

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