Charming Chilean Desserts: Vegan Pumpkin Flan & Pineapple Mousse (In Spanish)      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
Pumpkin Flan:
800 grams diced pumpkin
½ liter soy milk
150 grams brown sugar
4 tablespoons cornstarch
1 teaspoon vanilla

Pineapple Mousse:
Coconut milk
3 cups cooked rice
1 cup diced pineapple with juice
½ cup brown sugar
Shredded coconut to taste
Nutmeg to taste

Pumpkin Flan:
Place the pumpkin in a pot with water and cook for 15–20 min.
When it is cooked, blend to make a purée. Separately, put 3 tablespoons of cornstarch and water to make a smooth mix.
Then add the soy milk to the pumpkin purée and the brown sugar.
Stirring continuously, add the cornstarch after that to make thicken it.
When adding the ingredients to the pumpkin purée, everything should be on the stove.
Cook for 10 minutes.
Afterwards, fill the mixture in cups and let it to cool for 15 minutes, and then chill in the refrigerator for 1 hour. Then decorate to taste.

Pineapple Mouse:
Put the coconut milk in the blender with the pre-cooked rice.
To prepare the rice, we need 1½ cups of rice with 3 cups water; simmer for 20 minutes.
Then blend the pineapple and the brown sugar.
The mix must be taken to simmer for 10 minute and then cooled for another 10 minutes
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File NO: 1488
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