Savory Nepalese Semolina Rolls      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
500 grams semolina flour
250 grams tofu
½ cup coriander leaves
2–3 onions
3–4 green chilies
½ liter water
2–3 tablespoons oil

  1. Take 4 cups of semolina flour and then pour about 4 cups of water. Mix.
  2. Leave it as it is for about 1½ hours so that it becomes like a paste.
  3. This is called the outer roll.
  4. For the stuffing, chop the onion, and then fry them in a pan with pre-heated oil.
  5. Boil the tofu for about 3-5 minutes so it becomes soft and then mash the tofu.
  6. Fry the onion until they all golden brown and become a little soft.
  7. Add in the mashed tofu.
  8. Add in some chopped chili to the tofu according to taste.
  9. Put ½ tablespoon of salt. Mixed.
  10. After 1½ hour, heat the pan until it becomes very hot and then put a little bit of oil so that the paste won’t stick to the pan.
  11. Spread the oil for the surface, and then lower the flame a little bit.
  12. Put the paste in the center, then pull across the surface evenly. Make it as thin as possible.
  13. Let it heat for some time.
  14. Put a little bit of oil on the outer surface, and then turn it for the other side.
  15. Cook until both sides are golden brown.
  16. After both sides are golden brown, put the filling just a little bit.
  17. Fold the chappati to make it a roll.
  18. Serve it with potato pickle or salads.

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