Vegetarijanska elita
Zlato Dekle Bette Calman: 83-Letna-Mlada Jogijska Zvezda   

She stepped out to greet us in her perfectly platinum pressed hair and a gold outfit that shone as bright as her smile.

From the moment we met her in her Williamstown home in Victoria, Australia, we were charmed by Mrs. Bette Calman’s gentle, pleasant presence.

Golden Girl and Vegetarian Elite Bette Calman had recently made headlines around the world as the 83-year-young great grandmother who still instructs 11 yoga classes a week.

Advanced yoga postures like balancing one’s entire weight on two arms, otherwise known as the peacock, are a cinch to Mrs. Bette Calman. She tells us yoga and vegetarianism keep her renewed and vibrant. We could not agree more.

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