Melting permafrost to release billions of tons of CO2 - 5 Sep 2011  
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Melting permafrost to release billions of tons of CO2.
A study conducted by Dr. Charles Koven of the University of California, Berkeley in the USA and an international team of researchers has concluded that as climate change causes tundra in the Arctic north to continue to melt, the vast stores of carbon being released from beneath the ground will not be contained by new vegetation that might emerge.

Using a supercomputer in France to calculate soil warming and climate change data, the scientists estimated that the thawing Arctic will instead release around 68 billion additional tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere.

Such a massive amount of greenhouse gases would not only increase planetary warming, it would also accelerate the rate of further climate change.

Dr. Koven and colleagues, our thanks for this study that informs of the ever more urgent condition of our planet.
May we all be motivated toward caring efforts that stabilize the ecosphere for ourselves and future generations.

During an interview by El Quintanarroense in Mexico in December 2010, Supreme Master Ching Hai addressed such dangerous tolls of climate change as permafrost melt, and the quickest way to halt these harmful effects.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: We have to reverse We warm up the planet, because…many reasons.
And fossil fuel and animals industry. But, you see, when we burn fossil fuel, it emits two types of gases: carbon dioxide, CO2, and aerosol.

Aerosol is not too good for our health, but at least it cancels CO2.

So the warming effect came from the methane It warms up the planet, and it warms also the permafrost, which is the frozen earth which stores a lot of
carbon in there, so if it warms up the methane, carbon, anything, also come up together.

Because of animal agriculture, is number one producer of these gases that I’ve just mentioned that warm up our planet.

But the thing is methane is short, it can dissipate within 10 years, more or less.

So if we cut all this  methane, nitrous oxide from the animals, we cut all that, then we cool the planet within a decade…within a few years.

So if we eliminate the most heated gas, and the most quickly-dissipated, then we cool it in a few years.


Extra News
Due to unseasonably high temperatures in Illinois, USA, with heat indices reaching 105 degrees Fahrenheit (40.5 degrees Celsius) during the first week of September 2011, elementary and secondary schools across the state shut down to protect children who are more vulnerable to excessive heat.


In an August 2011 evaluation of the impact to the planet of different foods, US-based Environmental Working Group finds that lamb, beef, cheese, pork, and farmed salmon are the most harmful concerning greenhouse gas emissions, with all meat and dairy products considered highly damaging due to their requirements for large amounts of pesticides, chemical fertilizers, fuel, feed and water resources.

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Živinoreja je odgovorna za več kot 51 %svetovnih izpustov toplogrednih plinov -World Watch Inštitut
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