
Norway will invest a portion of its US$400 billion government pension fund in sustainable energy development.


The United States approves of US$250 million in “farm sales” to Cuba, enabling the island nation to import food and wood through private lines of credit.

Rhode Island

Rhode Island, USA spends US$1 billion to build offshore wind farms to provide 15% of the state’s energy.


Germany’s Economy Ministry will provide millions of euros in subsidies to help consumers buy energy-saving appliances and build eco-friendly buildings.


Canada allocates US$7.8 million for three new wildlife reserve areas covering 450,000 hectares on the northeastern side of Baffin Island.

The Royal Society and the Leverhulme Trust

The Royal Society and the Leverhulme Trust will jointly donate US$6.6 million to fund collaboration between scientists from the United Kingdom, Ghana, and Tanzania with priority given to projects that benefit the development of Africa and her people.


BRAC, a charitable organization in Bangladesh, is recognized with the 2008 Conrad N Hilton Humanitarian Prize, along with US$1.5 million, for its exemplary efforts in helping improve people’s lives throughout Bangladesh and Africa. 

The Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID)

The Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID) spent approximately US$1 million to set up a farming operation for the small village of Djilakh, Senegal and plans to donate another US$1.2 million to expand the farm.

Kwara State of Nigeria

The Kwara State of Nigeria sets aside US$850,000 for afforesting and beautifying her cities, and repairing and updating Forestry Department vehicles.


Beginning January 2009, residents in France can apply for zero-interest, government-supported loans of up to €30,000 that can be used for thermal insulation and home heating systems.

Moscow, Russia

Motivated by spiritual and ethical reasons, five to ten percent of Muscovites have adopted the plant-based diet.

Ban Ki-moon

United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon urges world leaders to take immediate actions to stop global warming instead of waiting for the 2009 Kyoto Protocol successor.

Boris Johnson

London mayor, Boris Johnson, announces a series of measures to prepare and mitigate effects of climate change such as flooding, extreme temperatures and drought, and reducing the city’s carbon emissions 60% by 2025.

The Philippines

Manila, Philippines is in the forefront of a campaign to change to energy-efficient lighting systems by switching out incandescent bulbs with compact fluorescent lamps.

Stockholm International Water Institute, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, and the International Water Management Institute

A collaboration between the Stockholm International Water Institute, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization and the International Water Management Institute results in a report titled “Saving Water: From Field to Fork – Curbing Losses and Wastage in the Food Chain” that calls on governments worldwide to reduce food wastage so as to conserve water, curb food shortages, and minimize world hunger.


To reduce the distance students have to travel to school, Zambia plans to build 1,500 schools by the end of 2008.


Malaysia uses an enzymatic process to de-ink mixed office paper during recycling, which  is more effective and environmentally friendly.


Stara Planina Mountains, a poor area in Bulgaria that was once known for making rifles, is now growing roses to benefit from the global organic boom of beauty products.

Scientists at Leeds Dental Institute

Scientists at Leeds Dental Institute in the United Kingdom have developed a technique called photodynamic therapy that uses light to improve dental hygiene.

Dr. Daniel Nocera and Dr. Matthew Kanan

Dr. Daniel Nocera of Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the United States and Dr. Matthew Kanan have developed a technique that will split water at room temperature, achieving an efficient way to store excess energy received from sunlight.

Boston, Massachusetts, USA

To reduce electricity by 25 percent, the city of Boston, Massachusetts in the US launches a two-month project called “Lights out Boston.”

Dr. Essop Pahad

Dr. Essop Pahad, Minister of the Presidency of the Republic of South Africa, encourages the South African government to ensure that by the end of 2009, an increasing percent of public sector employees will be individuals with disabilities.

Solar Botanic Energy

US-based Solar Botanic Energy Systems is developing artificial trees where the leaves utilize the sunlight and wind to generate over 5000 kilowatt hours of electricity per year.

US Environmental Protection Agency

The United State’s Environmental Protection Agency introduces new emission standards by mandating that lawn and garden equipment reduce pollutant emissions by 35%, and personal aircrafts by 70%.

University of California, San Diego

The University of California, San Diego installs solar “trees” on the roofs of parking lots, the canopies of which provide enough energy to power four family homes as well as recharging electric cars.

Prince Charles

Prince Charles highlights the loss of marine wildlife due to plastic bags in addressing the Marine Conservation Society meeting in the United Kingdom.

New Zealand

The passing of the Climate Change bill in New Zealand creates the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme which provides incentives for clean technology adoption as well as eco-wise business practices and investments.

Father Oh Woong Jin

Father Oh Woong Jin of Korea built the “The House of Love” for eighteen homeless men living under a bridge, which eventually became Flower Village, with 9 locations offering a home, care and love for those in need.

Chicago, Illinois

Chicago, Illinois plans to become one of the greenest cities in the United States by increasing energy efficiency, improving transportation and planting adaptable vegetation.


To help prevent erosion, 3,000 mahogany seedlings have been planted in the Philippines along the banks of the Panay River through the funding from the Japan Bank for International Cooperation.

Âu Lạc (Vietnam)

To minimize the effects of climate change, Âu Lạc (Vietnam) raises shore levels and plants up to 350,000 hectares of trees in key areas.

The Sahara Project

The Sahara Project has enabled the growing of crops in desert areas using desalinized seawater through a combined technology of solar panels and greenhouses.

American Heart Association, William J. Clinton Foundation

The United States beverage industry makes available lower calorie and less sugary drinks through a voluntary agreement with the American Heart Association and the William J. Clinton Foundation.


Rwanda is the first country where the women Parliament members outnumber the men.

San Antonio, Texas

San Antonio, Texas is the first city in the US to harvest and sell methane gas that is produced during the treatment process of the city’s waste.

Animal Protectors Grant Program

A local animal welfare charity group and three university student organizations in Singapore launch the Animal Protectors Grant program to provide funding for animal welfare projects of winning applicants.

Drs. Joe Brown and Mark Sobsey

Drs. Joe Brown and Mark Sobsey initiated a study and discovered that the ceramic water filters being distributed throughout rural households in Cambodia are effective in removing up to 99.9% of the E.coli, which earned them the grand prize of the International Water Association’s 2008 Project Innovation Awards.


Travel from Gaza has been made possible when Egypt, as a humanitarian gesture, opens the Rafah crossing to Palestine.

Namibia, Seacology, United Nations Environmental Program

Namibia’s Environment and Tourism Ministry, Seacology, and the United Nations Environmental Program sponsor a freely distributed magazine, “Green Bay,” which raises awareness and provides information about improved natural resource conservation, sustainable practices and green technologies.


To help improve the well-being of children and adolescents, a US Federal Trade Commission report recommends that the media, businesses, and schools should advertise nutritious food and drinks, inform about constructive lifestyle habits, and adopt high nutritional standards, respectively.

General Motors Corporation

US automaker General Motors Corporation announces that the company will recycle all waste from more than half of its 180-plus manufacturing facilities around the world by 2010.

Maryland, USA

The US state of Maryland outlines plans to reduce its carbon footprint by planting trees and implementing other measures to offset the effects of rising sea levels.  


As part of a National Tree Planting Campaign, Cameroon is planting 75,000 trees to cover 250 hectares of land in the Southwest Province.

Queensland and New South Wales

Queensland and New South Wales organize conferences with the focus on alleviating mental illness for those affected by global warming. 

Hu Angang

Public policy professor and political advisor Hu Angang encourages China to adopt international goals for decreasing emissions.

The United States National  Research Council

The United States National Research Council calls on the US government to impose a nationwide ban on ocean littering.

Mayor Thomas

Launched by Mayor Thomas in 1995, the Boston Schoolyard Initiative has created 71 outdoor classrooms from renovated school sites.

Blanche Mannix

Blanche Mannix of Bridlington, United Kingdom, turns 103 and credits her longevity to her vegetarian diet.

The United Nations World Food Program

The United Nations World Food Program announces the establishment of the Purchase for Progress initiative (P4P), with a commitment to buy food directly from local farmers, thus also benefiting regional economies.

Dr. Ese Owie

Dr. Ese Owie, executive director of Climate Change Africa, highlights the need for African leaders to immediately address global warming through steps such as risk assessment and developing sustainable energy.

Rishon LeZion

Rishon LeZion, a city in Israel, has achieved 70% of its 100% water independence goal set seven years ago by Mayor Meir Nitzan.

Kiberia Youth Initiative for Community Development

As members of the Kiberia Youth Initiative for Community, a group of Kenyan youths joined together to clear an abandoned area where they now successfully grow and sell organic vegetables.

Uganda’s National Population Secretariat

Uganda’s National Population Secretariat marks 20th anniversary through the planting of 5,000 trees at the Nakasongola district.

The Akan Film Producers Association

Through their movies, the Akan Film Producers Association (AFPA) promotes harmony between cultural groups and encourages peaceful relations between ethnic groups.

Dr. Wallace S. Broecker

In recognition of his excellence in sciences, culture, and humanitarian endeavors, Dr. Wallace S. Broecker of Columbia University has been awarded US$885,000 from the Balzan Prize Foundation of Milan, Italy.

Ten private businesses

Ten private businesses were honored with the 2008 World Business and Development Awards for their work in helping to implement the UN Millennium Development Goals.

Princess Bajrakitiyabha Mahidol of Thailand

Her Royal Highness Princess Bajrakitiyabha Mahidol of Thailand joins the United Nations’ “Say No to Violence Against Women” by accepting the appointment as a Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM).

Kentucky, USA

Kentucky has authorized a tax incentive for a plant that will manufacture affordable electric cars starting in 2009.


Malaysia’s State Industrial, Trade and Environment Committee deployed the first 500 units of Reefscape, a reef ‘starter’ material made of concrete, to 10 sites around Redang Island off the eastern coast of Malaysia as part of the International Year of Reefs initiative to help speed the re-growth of corals.

European Commission

The European Commission sets goal to make high speed internet access available in all member nations by 2010.

The Diane Fossey Gorilla Fund International

The Diane Fossey Gorilla Fund International constructs the first gorilla sanctuary in eastern Africa.

The staff at Umitamago Aquarium

Fifteen people from the Umitamago Aquarium in Oita, Japan, saved a weakened young dolphin by taking turns to hold her up for 5 days, and then designing a special life jacket that allows her to swim on her own.

Ofir Drori

Ofir Drori, a former journalist from Israel, establishes the Last Great Ape Organization (LAGA) that seeks to keep wildlife safe through law enforcement in the Cameroon.

Sang Guen

Korea’s dog celebrity Sang Guen, a four-year-old Great Pyrenees, stars in the launch of an animal welfare campaign in Seoul, Korea.

Mother and father swan

A swan couple adopts and raises four little grey geese as their children in Fuerstenberg, Germany.

Besede modrosti
Dobri ljudje, dobra dela
Glasba in poezija
Med Mojstrico in učenci
Modeli uspeha
Naša plemenita dediščina
Planet Zemlja: naš ljubeči dom
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Popotovanje skozi estetska kraljestva
Razsvetljujoče razvedrilo
Svet živali
Svet kina
Svet okoli nas
Tehnologija Zlate dobe
Vegetarijanska elita
Vegetarijanstvo: plemeniti način življenja
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